Saturday, November 3, 2012

Need for speed most wanted Vita(ps3)

 Alright fan boys its time to put the fingerless gloves and dive into another white knuckled arcade racer. Need For Speed Most wanted is the new EA/Criterion game based in the city of Fairhaven. This Game shares some features of its PS2 counterpart but be warned this is not the same game.

I haven't been this psyched about the Need for Speed series in a while in fact i haven't touched one of their Games since the Pro Street failure. I know i am being very synical but i have good reason i was a fan of the underground series and the old Most Wanted and Carbon but their series went down hill in a hurry. Thank god someone in that company understands what consumers want.

Now This title is a good instalment in the series. Its not what i expected from the start. I was crossing my fingers for a clone of the blacklist drivers to race against you. I was a little disapointed with the menus too. The only other problem i have is that the distance objects dont disguish themselves quick enough and it leads to alot of wrecks.

With that said i really like this game and with those three problems i can actually say the good parts of the game actually outway the bad parts. This installment of the series has made available nearly all of the cars at the starting of the game all you have to do is hunt them down. The handling of said cars is superb. Drifting has become a really easy task (thank god). Now you can Slide past any cop in style. Speaking of cops they have had a major upgrade. while most cops cant keep up with you there is trouble when they do because they will tear you up whether its a spike strip or slaming you into a wall.

The other feature worth noting is that any friends that have this game have in game records that you can break for me there is this guy that lives within a mile of me and i will not rest until i have every record out of reach of his fingers. This comes in the form jumps with billboards on the end but once you smash through there is a distance record that you can earn. you cant try as many times as you like. The other records you can break is having the fastest speed at a speed trap or having the most speed points (this is earned by everything you do) or just clearing a race faster then your friends.

The online multiplayer is a bit off i think, but i find it fun. You race to meeting spot and wait for other players to come but its not a long wait. Then a random race will start up which is a point a to b race or a circut race or even scoring the most points. Its the best but its deffinately not something to look over because it is fun.

Now as to whether to Barrow Rent or Buy i would say its definately a Rent. If your a die hard nfs fan i would buy because its a good game thats worth more then previous installments in the series.

Gamer tag- PS3 Ferouciousnoodle.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Old but Good. Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim.

This game has been a favorite of mine for a long time. in my opinion this game has been terribly underated and almost completely over looked. If you liked the advent children then would enjoy flying around the sky attacking adversaries from other final fantasies.

Ff has taken on a new form. You have a brand new roster of characters, its some where in the neihborhood of 30 playable characters each with their own attacks. You favorite protagonist and antagonist from the series to clash cinematicaly with foes of your choosing.        If you like customization there are a large selection of armor weapons to boost your characters into oblivion. Each character can be leveled to 100. Yeah thats right not 99 but 100. On top of the you can take our any level character with a level 1 character. Its not easy to take out some who is significantly tougher than you but its not impossible.

For a game that waa made for psp it looks amazing during cinematics. in game graphics are high end psp graphics.

The gameplay is solid and has the ability to have great depth. Attacks look beautiful and character styles are quite diverse and with all the equipment it adds anoher layer of tactics to think about.

This time there is a creation mode where you can create a quest. The options seem limited.

Now its time for my favorite part of a review barrow rent or buy. If your a fan of ff and hybrid versus games the i would buy it. If you want to try something new definately rent because you will end up buying it later