While perusing through the lastest Game informer I happened upon a article about co-op games and where they were going. I happen to believe that you put your strongest player first and thats just what they did in this article. Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel was at the forefront. When I read the article I found out that Rios and Salem were taking a back seat to the new characters playing the lead roles. What I gathered from Game Informer was that the main characters of the previous two titles will be doing back up.
Also another major feature that internet had been buzzing about was false and there will be no four player co-op. Sorry to break your hearts but thats the grizzly truth.
The new characters are only refered to as Alpha and Bravo. Alpha is all about military precision and Bravo uses fast reactions and pure talent to stay alive during a firefight.
The new co-op games on the horizon that Game Informer either detailed or gave a few words to describe was(I'm only going to post about my favorites) Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 6, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and last but not least Dead Space 3(everything but borderlands was the only thing with an extensive article).
Starting with my favorite upcoming game Borederlands 2. This title still has its nerrotic sense of humor and bazillion guns, but what it has over its predecessor is that there are more explosions. something that i think might be a little more cumbersome are the livelier cities. What I gather about the article is that you go around talking to the people in the towns and gather many side quests from them. The only thing i can complain about is that it might be hard to remember which quests going to which person. If thats the only thing I can complain about i think Gear Box is going to be sending one hell of a game to us. The article also outline that enemies tend to level up in a firefight or even evovle while tucked away in their own little corners so the can give you an ass kicking when you least expect in(thanks Gear Box I will be sure to send muffins your way for that).